Quotes From "The Inexplicable Logic Of My Life" By

In the distance, I can see a storm coming in, the dark clouds and the lightning on the horizon moving towards me. I wait and I wait and I wait for the storm. And then it comes, and the rains wash away the nightmares and the memories. And I'm not afraid. Unknown
Life was like that- there would always be something scratching at the door. And whatever was scratching would just scratch and scratch until you opened the door. Unknown
Maybe it wasn't a good idea to rank the people in your life. That's not how the heart worked. The heart didn't make lists. Unknown
We'd been so sure of ourselves, but now we were lost. Unknown
Grief was a terrible and beautiful thing. Unknown
And prayer? How could you pray to a God you wanted to hit? Unknown
The thing about tears is that they can be as quiet as a cloud floating across the desert sky. Unknown